Duniya Dance and Drum Company + Wontanara Revolution!
Duniya Dancehall is a unique event featuring live dance, live music and a fantastic DJ or two. We mix Bhangra, Bollywood, African and Reggae music and dance all into one night and call it a party. We won’t be throwing this event every month this year, so come check us out while you can.
What happens when you mix Bhangra, House and Dancehall? We’ll be presenting an exciting piece which will answer that question. Come on the earlier side for dance performances and a Bhangra lesson with Duniya Dance and Drum Company, and stay late to get your dance on with Wontanara Revolution!
Cover is only $5!
Friday February 3 at Baobab Village, 10pm
3372 19th St., San Francisco
$5 cover
Check out our video from November’s Duniya Dancehall: Duniya Dancehall
And here is the new video from Wontanara Revolution!: Root Boy
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