Red, Saffron and Green
Performing Diaspora at CounterPULSE, featuring new work by Joti Singh. August 15–18th, 2013; THU-SUN, 8pm Red, Saffron and Green tells the story of the Gadar party, founded in 1913 in San Francisco by Punjabi activists to fight for Indian independence from the British; Singh’s greatgrandfather was the president of this party from 19141920. The performance layers Singh’s experiences as the daughter of immigrants, with the life of her greatgrandfather and the fight for independence.
AUG 8 Festival Kick-off AUG 10 Symposium AUG 15 – 18 Festival Weekend One AUG 22 – 25 Festival Weekend Two
There are many shades of innovation, diaspora, and performance. From first generation culture bearers to third generation hyphenated-Americans, the six artists featured in CounterPULSE’s Performing Diaspora push the boundaries of their performance practice, each rooted in diverse cultural forms. Join us in August for a vibrant kick-off party, a thought provoking symposium, and two weekends of new work by Byb Chanel Bibene, Joti Singh, Jia Wu, Jewlia Eisenberg, Muisi-kongo Malonga, and Nadhi Thekkek.